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Advertisement Translation Services

Advertising aims to inform the general public of something. Generalized advertising refers to advertisements that are not for profit, such as government announcements, political parties, religions, education, culture, municipalities, social groups, etc. Advertising in its narrow sense refers to advertising for the purpose of making money, usually refers to commercial advertising, or economic advertising. 

Advertising is a communication tool that transmits information about a certain product to a group of users and consumers from the production or business organization (advertiser) of the product; Advertising campaigns are persuasive; Advertisements are purposeful, planned and continuous; Advertisements are not only beneficial to advertisers, but also beneficial to target audiences. They enable users and consumers to obtain useful information.

In the face of increasing globalization, corporate customers are spread all over the world, and any promotional material should take into account multilingual support. The translators should not only pay attention to the accurate expression of advertising information, but also the elegance of the language (language structure, rhythm, and charm) to create a pleasant mood for the audience of advertisements, so that it could be easier to accept and identify, and has a higher position on advertising products and their manufacturers. 

Shenzhen Transloctek Co., Ltd. has a number of outstanding translators with rich advertising translation experience. The company could provide various language services for enterprises and government investment promotion departments. Recently, many advertising companies have established long-term cooperative relationships with us.