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Software Localization


As it is most commonly used, localization refers to revising an original product before you can properly market it in another country. Localization does not generally include the revision of source code (refer to "What is internationalization?" below). Localization includes but is not limited to topics such as translation, culturalization, DTP, graphics, compiling, and testing, etc.

Software Localization

Software localization is the process of fully customizing a software product to the needs of a specific country or language market. It does not simply refer to the translation of user interfaces, user manuals, and online help. Complete software localization services include translation, redesign, functional tuning, and functional testing. Therefore, the software localization process also requires additional technology as support.  It requires a variety of software to complete. It mainly includes operating system software, general software, and special software. Choosing the right software can increase work efficiency and create files that conform to industry formats.

Translation tool: Translator's Workbench, Clipboard/Excel/Powerpoint, TagEditor, ForeignDesk, WinAlign, Alchemhy Catalyst, S-Tagger for FrameMaker, RC-WinTrans

Graphical image editing software: Adobe Illustrator, FreeHand, Corel Draw, Paint Brush, PhotoshopPaint, Shop Pro

Compiling software: HCW, Robo Help, HHW Trados, S-Tagger, HTML QA

Desktop publishing: FrameMaker, Quark Xpress, FrameMaker + SGML, Page Maker, InDesign, DreamWeaver, Adobe Acobat, Advent 3B2, MS office, Epic Editor

Other software: Notepad, Beyond compare, UltraEdite-doc, system